Hayang Park

Hayang Park

Park’s concert biography already includes performances at Geneva’s Victoria Hall, Fondation Louis Vuitton and the Matsumoto Harmony Hall in Japan together with Maestro Seiji Ozawa.


2022년 도쿄 국제 비올라 콩쿠르에서 한국인 최초로 우승을 차지한 비올리스트 박하양은 일찍이 비올라를 시작하여, 예원학교 졸업 후 연세대학교에 조기 입학해 김 상진 교수 사사로 학사학위를 취득했다.

그 후 스페인 마드리드 레이나 소피아 왕립음악원에서 스페인 알베니즈 장학 재단의 후원으로 이마이 노부코 교수를 사사하였다.

이미 유년시절부터 다양한 국내외 수상경력을 쌓아오고 있는 박하양은 12세에 파리 레오폴드 벨랑 국제 음악 콩쿠르 (Concours International de Musique et D’art Dramatique Leopold Bellan)에서 1위를 수상했으며, 2017년에는 제15회 도쿄 국제 음악 콩쿠르에서 힌데미트의 비올라 협주곡을 도쿄 필하모닉 오케스트라와 협연하며 현악부문 3위에 올랐다.


May 31

Viola Space – Concert #3 Osaka


Ensemble & Solo

May 29

Viola Space – Concert #2 Tokyo

19:00, Tokyo Kioi Hall

Béla Bartók: Viola concert (Tibor Serly version) (1945)

Conductor – Kazuhumi Yamashita
Toho Gakuen Orchestra

May 28

Viola Space – Concert #1 Tokyo

19:00, Tokyo Kioi Hall

Henri Vieuxtemps: Souvenir d’Amérique (Yankee Doodle Variations), op. 17

May 20

Viola Recital – Runde Foundation Nagoya

19:00 Halle Runde

R.Schumann – 3 Romances op.94
John Dowland – If my complaints could passions move
B.Britten – Lachrymae, op.48a
C.Schumann – 3 Romances op.22
R.Clrke – Sonata for Viola and Piano

Pianist – Fuyuka Kusa

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스크린샷 2023-08-30 오전 2.15
스크린샷 2023-08-30 오전 2.15

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Prizes awarded at the 2022 Tokyo International Viola Competition

On 4 June, Korean violist Hayang Park (b.1998) was awarded first prize at the Tokyo International Viola Competition. Along with first prize, Park won JPY 1,000,000 (£6,000), and the Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra Prize. Park is an alumna of the Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía in Madrid, Spain, where she studied with Nobuko Imai. Since October 2021, she has been studying at Kronberg Academy, also with Imai.

Prizewinners Announced at 5th Tokyo International Viola Competition

Held every three years as part of the Viola Space, a festival for viola founded in 1992 by violist Nobuko Imai, the Tokyo International Viola Competition welcomed violists from all nationalities born on or after July 1, 1989.

As the first prize winner, violist Hayang Park will receive JPY 1,000,000. Second prize and JPY 600,000 went to Emiko Yuasa, while third prize and JPY 300,000 was given to Sào Soulez Larivière.

The first, second, and third prize winners will have performance opportunities at the Prizewinners’ Concerts in Tokyo, Osaka, and Sendai as part of Viola Space 2022, in addition to concerts at the Viola Space in or after 2023.

Additional prizes were given out. The Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra Prize, which gives an opportunity to perform with the ensemble after 2023, went to Hayang Park.

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